The Manitoba Sunflower Festival didn't happen this year, but with the efforts of the organizing committee and some amazing sponsors and supporters, the Sunflower Selfie Plot was planted and is now in full bloom waiting for you to snap a pic. The expectation is the blooms will be bloomin' until mid-August or so.

CFAM Radio 950 Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner chatted with Eric Hildebrand from the organizing committee and Town of Altona Rec Department about the fun waiting for you just south of Access Field.



Again, post those photos to social media with the #centralmbtourism or #AltonaSunflowerSelfie, and you could win a prize pack that will have your family looking forward to Summer 2022 already!

A shout out to GVE, L and L Farms, Harry Krahn, Loewen Seeds and GJ Chemical for making the Sunflower Selfie Plot a reality this year!

Left to right; Reporter Candace Derksen and Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner took their Sunflower Selfie this week!