CFAM’s Meals in the Field deliveries continued Tuesday night with Farm Broadcaster Cory Knutt leading the way to Jake and Esther Heppner’s Chicken, grain and beef farm just west of St. Joseph. The Heppner family takes care of about

550 acres of cropland, 25 head of beef cattle, and 10,000 broiler breeder hens. Plus they just built a state of the art chicken barn.



Jake and Esther Heppner and his hard working family, who farm just west of the St. Joseph area, were yesterday’s Meals in the Field winners.

A big thank you to GJ Chemical for helping us out last night. Tonight (August 22nd), Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner is off to Jake Krahn’s farm near Gretna, and our friends from Sun Valley Tire will coming along for the fun.





Jake and Esther Heppner