As we eagerly await announcements from the Provincial Government on COVID-19, and we continue to practice social distancing and handwashing to reduce the spread, the municipal government is doing what it can to help out.

During Morden council's COVID-19 preparedness meeting, Councillor Jim Hunt asked, "Is there something we can do to really help people?"

From that simple question, Councillor Hunt and Councillor Doug Frost visited Winkler-Morden Co-op and volunteered their time to stock shelves that have been cleared during the COVID-19 outbreak.

"It's great to see, encouraging, heartwarming, all those things," says Mayor Brandon Burley. "Our council has really embraced the 'service' part of public service, and I'm really proud of them the way they responded. I'm proud of the community, hearing people offer their time and afternoon to go shopping for those who are not able, in self-isolation, self-quarantine, the elderly, and those at risk."

Although it will be a while before normal returns to the region, Burley says it's vital to stay in contact with each other. Although there is this problem and we're social distancing, he says we don't want to isolate ourselves.

Council will continue to hold meetings and remain accessible to the community. In public hearings, such as the upcoming budget hearings, they want to accommodate that as much as possible. He adds with facilities shut down, those without access to technology can have challenges with staying connected, so Morden council is working to accommodate those situations as well.

"It's really good to see the community step up and live the definition of community." Photo from Mayor Burley's Facebook page.