Morden residents will need to hold on to their compost items for a little bit as the City's compost site has been temporarily closed.

Director of operations, Tim Reimer, explains the reason.

"The current compost site on Willcocks Road, we have closed it for this week and possibly next week. Just strictly for annual cleanup or doing some of our branch shredding. The main purpose for closing is because of the large equipment that is in there. We just don't want to have any traffic or public access to it right now."

Reimer reminds the public what items can be brought to the site, once it reopens.

"The signs are posted there as to what we allow for drop off at our compost site, and it's basically just for yard refuse, grass clippings, garden refuse, stuff like that and branches."

Items not to be dropped off include household garbage, furniture, concrete or rocks. Reimer encouraged people to reach out to MWM or Penner Waste to find out how to appropriately dispose of them.