The following are rainfall amounts for the last 24 hours as submitted by you.


Manitou, 3 miles N of Lowe Farm - 3/10
2 mi. south of Morden - 4/10
Morris, Gnadenthal, Winkler - 1/2 inch
Ridgeville, North of Horndean - 6/10
Carman, North of Macgregor - 7/10
Woodmore - 9/10
St. Malo - 1 inch
Altona - 1.1 inches
Austin - 4.1 inches
Ninette 4.5 inches

Boissevain 47 mm
Lake George  59 mm
Ninga 75 mm (3 inches)
Killarney 100 mm (4 inches)
southwest of Killarney 65 mm (2.5 inches)
Ninette  112 mm  (4.5 inches)