Towards the end of 2018, Roland School made headlines across the world for the installation of a sensory path throughout the school hallways. They’re now expanding their opportunities with a new traverse rock wall.

Principal Brandy Chevalier says "Roland School is proud to be leading the charge in providing an educational setting where school goals focus on literacy, numeracy and physical literacy."

"We were looking at ways to help kids develop muscles beyond what we develop in physical education. The concept of a traverse climbing wall came up because our gym is very small."

They needed something relatively cost-friendly, which would take up minimal space, and work with all of the students.

"We came across the opportunity to apply for a Carman Area Foundation grant, we also had a local naturopath, a doctor, donate money to the school for it. And then ourselves as a school contributed a little bit," she says.

The school hoped that the wall would be ready to go for the last week of school when they hold a sports day, but it was surprisingly installed last week and is already in use.

Due to all of these initiatives, Chevalier was invited to attend the International Physical Literacy Conference by Sport for Life that took place last week in Winnipeg.

"Our sensory path was one that was showcased in some of the keynotes and then in lessons. I was asked to speak about it a little bit, which is a huge thing for a school that's as small as ours."

She says it's amazing that they are leading the way around the world for physical literacy in schools, and finding tools that can be used by all types of students.

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