Winkler Community Foundation is asking for your input on life in Winkler and the surrounding area. Vice-chair of the foundation, Corey Hildebrand joined the morning show to talk about the Vital Signs Community Survey. 

"So, we have a big Vital Signs project that's going on right now that measures the heartbeat of our community, and the survey helps us gain a local perspective on what's going on here in Winkler."

Open to all residents of Winkler and the RM of Stanley, the survey will cover various topics such as healthcare, mental health, job satisfaction, and recreational services. Hildebrand says this data will assist with decision-making for community leaders.

"We really feel that we're (Winkler Community Foundation) a catalyst to bring the city and businesses and nonprofits together around some really important things that need to happen in our community." 

The survey, accessible online, via smartphones, or in paper form, will be anonymous and available until Wednesday, May 22, 2024. There will be opportunities to fill out the survey in person at Winkler Central Station on May 15th and 22nd.