Winkler C.A.O. Vince Anderson in his office at city hall


After 15 years as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Winkler, Vince Anderson is retiring at the end of the year. Anderson had been thinking about the decision for a while, and felt now was the right time for him to enter the next chapter of his life.

Looking back at his time with the City, Anderson lists a number of projects that were highlights including the development of Crocus Village, construction of the new fire hall and library, and the P.W. Enns Centennial Concert Hall. Beyond the many projects he's worked on, seeing the astounding growth Winkler has experienced during the 15 years he's been in the community has also been a highlight.

Anderson believes Winkler has been the envy of many communities in Manitoba, and the entire country in recent years because of its significant growth. He tells us the growth has been exciting, but challenging as well because the City's infrastructure and services have had to keep up with that pace. Anderson was asked what he believes his successor and future councils will have to deal with.

We also asked Anderson if he had any tips, or words of advice for his successor. He told us one of the most important things, for whoever that may be, is they must be able to relate and get along with council.

So what does Anderson have planned for the future? He says the plan right now is to stay in Winkler well into 2011, and take an opportunity to return to ministry. He also plans on playing more music with his band, as well as golfing and camping a lot more with his wife.

Prior to taking the position with the City of Winkler in June 1995, Anderson served as the Town Administrator of Arborg for about a year. He's also worked as a full time minister, and been President of a Christian college in Dauphin. Anderson's last day will be December 31st, 2010.