The Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association concluded it's 48th Annual General Meeting this past Tuesday in Portage La Prairie. One hundred and thirty delegates and observers from across the province participated in the two day meeting to discuss issues, and policies relating to high school athletics. Some of the decisions made at the meeting include; Changing the Junior Varsity Volleyball and Basketball categories from Rural and Urban, to Championships based on classification, there will now be an "A-AA" Junior Varsity Provincial as well as a "AAA-AAAA" Provincial. The rationale for this change was to allow schools with closer population sizes to compete against one another. Another change was made in regards to the format of the "AAA" Basketball Championships. Currently it is a ten team format, however to facilitate easier and more fair scheduling for all teams, the membership voted to reduce this to an eight team Provincial Championship. A motion to change the basketball shot clock from 24 seconds to 30 seconds was defeated, and the Curling Provincial Championships were moved to the second week of February from the first weekend of March. This will be effective at the 2012 Championships.


Clayton Dreger asked MHSAA Executive Director Morris Glimcher to comment on the 2009-2010 school year....