Local parents are expressing frustration over a swampy path used by J.R Walkof and Emerado students.

Parent Susie Friesen explains every fall and spring the pathway from Chestnut Bay to the greenspace between the two schools either floods, turns to slush or becomes an ice rink.

Friesen explains she's seen her children attempt to navigate the path for eight years resulting in many slips and bruises. She notes one parent reported their son had slipped resulting in a gash on his head.

"It's a safety concern," Friesen says.

She's also started an online petition that's gathered 46 signatures, advocating the City of Winkler to find a solution, "so something gets done here so we don't get our shoes and clothes all wet."

Director of Public Works Peter Froese explains the path is actually a drain the city initially installed in the area. He notes it's an added bonus the drain can be used as a path for most of the year, but it's function is "drain first, path second."

Friesen says the drain/path creates a convenient shortcut that allows students to avoid crossing the busier Southview Dr. to get to school. She hopes the city can create a compromise that allows students to use the path year-round, and facilitates local drainage.

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