Rhineland Empty Stocking Fund volunteers gathered this morning at the old Sawatzky's Furniture building in Altona.

The volunteer-based organization starts preparing hampers in October. Eight volunteers on the committee order food, purchase gifts, books and boxes that are used for wrapping.

"The intent of this organization is to provide any family within the RM of Rhineland that is having a tough year, and just to give them a hamper that has some foodstuffs in it, and a gift for every child that's in the family," said Chair Cindy Hildebrand.

Hildebrand said 75-100 volunteers wrapped 1,200 gifts and 175 hampers were packaged.

This year there was a need for 186 hampers, so the remaining number will be receiving gift cards.

Rhyla Hildebrand, a 6-year-old girl who raised $264 for the Rhineland Empty Stocking Fund in spring

Non-perishable food items were packed today, and next week the perishable items will be added before the hampers get delivered.

While volunteers were working, a surprise check donation was made by Jake and Barb of Penner Waste. The pair wanted to reach out to Cheerboards in the area because of their appreciation for the work these organizations do.

Another monetary donation was made by Rhyla Hildebrand of Altona. She is a six year old girl who raised $264 in May, which she wanted to donate to the Rhineland Empty Stocking Fund. The money was raised by selling cookies, lemonade and hot dogs at a garage sale.

Rhyla had the help of her grandmother and tremendous support from neighbours.

Rhyla Hildebrand wrote this letter explaining how she raised money