It is in times of uncertainty that we see our greatest humanity. There are SO many people all across the Pembina Valley doing unique and positive things for the community. One of those cool things comes from Morden Fire & Rescuse with Fire Fridays! Basically, they're delivering food from local restaurants in the FIRE TRUCK! Yes, the fire truck will come bring your food to you between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. The first delivery happens THIS Friday(April 17th), with food from Boston Pizza! We called up Morden Fire Chief Andy Thiessen to find out more.

As for Non-Perishable food donations on behalf of The Hub Community Centre, they are most in need of:
Canned Meat
Canned Vegetables
Canned fruit
Pork and Beans
Peanut Butter

Thank you Andy and Morden Fire for doing this! Find out more on their facebook page, because they have planned another Fire Friday in May!