We were in the Gretna area last night for CFAM’s Meals in the Field contest, and Jake and Sharon Krahn and their farm family were the recipients of a delicious Pizza Haven meal.

Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner took the lead hosting the evening at the yard site of the mixed grain operation which has been in operation since 1907! Chris chatted with Jake about life on the farm, and the history behind the six generations who have been part of it.



The 4th generation consists of Jake and Sharon’s sons Kevin and Matt, and Chris asked them, starting with Kevin, what it means to be part of the same farm as his his father, grandfather and great-grandfather.



Kevin’s sons Shane and Justin are also driving trucks, tractors and grain carts making them the 5th generation to rising early and growing food for the world.



Thank you Jake and Sharon, our CFAM Meals in the Field winners for Wednesday. A special thank you to Sun Valley Tire for being part of the evening and sharing in the fun. Tonight (August 23rd) Morning Show Producer Zack Driedger will be leading the charge as we head to the Morden area to share a Meal in the Field with Robert Wiebe.