During Spring Break, March 25th through 29th, CFAM Radio 950 is hosting a very special guest! Sam Milner, a Grade 11 student at W.C. Miller Collegiate in Altona will be joining the Morning Show with Michelle, Jayme and Chris as well as Drive Home Host Tim Friesen for a mini work experience. You may have heard Sam before on our sister stations The Eagle 93.5 FM and Country88. Sam has been part of the Eagle's Collegiate 411 program since Grade 9, and made a guest appearance on Country88 last Summer.

Monday morning Co-Host Chris Sumner put Sam to work, and the two chatted a couple of times during the Show.



Chris and Sam also chatted about what keeps Sam busy outside of school.



Welcome here, Sam! We're happy to have you, and hope you have a great time learning about all we do at CFAM Radio 950!