Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) in Winnipeg offers a variety of courses in Biblical and Theological Studies, and they're bringing a taste of those classes to Winkler.

The Xplore program is for those age 55-plus, and is meant to enrich their knowledge of Christian faith, the world, and how those to intersect.

"We felt there was a real need for, and the possibility of, developing a program for seniors, and we use the word seniors very loosely," says Gerald Gerbrandt, President Emeritus & Professor Emeritus of Bible at CMU.

The program started in Winnipeg, but expanded into Southern Manitoba roughly seven years ago.

"In both places, the courses have done very, very well. They're opportunities for 55-plus people to remain stimulated, to talk about faith, to talk about the Bible, or to talk about other issues."

He says the participation each year is very high, with at least 200 people.

"CMU isn't in the perimeter, and so it has always attempted to stay there, but it's so important to go beyond Winnipeg and beyond the perimeter."

Gerbrandt grew up in Altona, and says it’s a pleasure to see how the courses thrive so close to his hometown.

There are four classes offered each morning, two of which are taught by Winnipeg professors, and two from locals.

He adds, "We have generally stayed away from courses that deal with ageing. . . Sometimes people think when they retire they don't need to think anymore, but this is an opportunity to keep thinking, keep wondering, keep asking questions, to reflect on life."

Gerbrandt notes the excitement he sees in these classes is one of his favourite reasons to continue taking part in and teaching in the Xplore program.

Information and registration details can be found at