April Yutzi Kuhl was one of the presenters at Saturday's workshop

January is Alzheimer Awareness month and The Alzheimer Society South Central Region hosted a Living With Alzheimer's Workshop this past weekend.

"Every story is a little different," said Social Worker at Salem Home April Yutzi-Kuhl. "What I brought forward was bits and pieces of the last six years of my work, and just the experiences lots of the families go through. I kind of pieced it together and provided some information on important things to have ready and to do during the transition to a care home."

According to Yutzi-Kuhl the power of attorney and health care directive are two important pieces of paper for you to talk about. She noted it's a tough hurdle for people to pass, but they like to see it as offering more assistance and having support in place just to make sure there matters are taken care of the way they would like them to be.

There are a number of different programs to help cope with dealing and living with Alzheimer's.

"Like I said there is no situation the same," stated Yutzi-Kuhl when asked about how the use of professional resources can help along the journey. "It's great to access those resources, because the people that work in those areas, they can offer some incite and support. It kind of helps normalize the situation as you were to walk through it."

Yutzi-Kuhl explained there are lots of people who don't know about all of the resources available, and added it can really make a big difference.

When dealing with this disease it's always tough and sometimes you have to be patient.

Yutzi-Kuhl stated you are more than welcome to stop by the personal care home to ask any questions you may have about the disease.