Elected officials in Altona, Plum Coulee and the RM of Rhineland need to communicate better with the local business community. That was one of the messages that came out of a major survey of businesses in all three communities. The project, spearheaded by the Business Retention and Expansion program, was initiated last fall. RM of Rhineland Reeve John Falk says it appears his council has some work to do...

Altona Mayor Melvin Klassen admits that message was a bit surprising, but obviously an issue that needs to be addressed...

BR&E program consultant Walter Siemens says he was impressed with the very positive perception that local business owners have of their own community.

The BR&E committee will now take the next step, and begin working with local elected officials and organizations to identify some of the issues that need to acted on.

~ Thursday, June 24th 2010 ~