Corner 2 Corner Cleaning has been giving fifteen percent of their monthly carpet cleaning profits to organizations which have a positive impact on the community.

Their eighth recipient was the Eden Foundation, which received $1,250.

"When an organization recognizes the value of that we provide to the community we are elated," says Director of Development for Eden Foundation Earl Reimer.

Back in January Corner 2 Corner celebrated their 15th anniversary and decided it was the perfect opportunity for them to give back to the community which has supported them.

Owner Allen Hoeppner says their goal was involving staff in choosing the recipient, and this month Abe Thiessen made the decision.

Thiessen says he sees the need in the community for organizations like Eden, who give those who have mental health challenges a helping hand.

Reimer says regardless of gender, age, economic status, or culture, one in five people are affected by a mental health concern, and donations are what allow them to make a difference in individuals lives.

"That's what Eden Health Care Services is about, to be part of the hope, healing and community of those in a mental health journey. That's the reason, that's the cause for why we exist."

He notes they express this in numerous ways, housing, employment, counselling, community care through Pathways Community Services, and critical care through the local hospital.