Now participating for the third consecutive year, the City of Morden is in preparation for the upcoming Communities In Bloom (CIB) competition.

"We're understanding a little bit better what they want to see," shares Community Services and Events Manager Clare Agnew. "Instead of doing a quick tour of Morden and trying to show them all the little highlights, we're going to take our time at the research station, Tabor Home, and Confederation Park. Take the time at some of our highlight areas and show the judges everything Morden has to offer."

Morden has only been able to achieve four blooms, but Agnew says if they want to reach five blooms volunteer and community involvement is vital.

"The horticulture society has been very active. The volunteers have put in a lot of hours at Confederation Park, in front of the Access Event Centre, and when we did our garden expo in spring. All of those things are volunteer focus, and that's a big thing with communities in bloom."

CIB is more than pretty flowers and trimmed lawns, Agnew says the group encourages environmental action, tidiness, and urban forestry.

She notes that while they are working towards that elusive five blooms, they can do a lot for the community wanting to preserve and improve their environmental works.

For those wanting to show their pride in Morden, Agnew says having a freshly mowed and weeded lawn can go a long way when CIB judges arrive July 29.