On the eve of Manitoba's next premier being sworn in, her opponent is asking for the ceremony to be delayed. On Saturday, MLA Heather Stefanson was named PC leader in a tight race, winning 51 per cent of the ballots, by 363 votes over Shelly Glover.

Stefanson is set to be sworn in at 2 p.m. on Tuesday.

tfully request that you defer the swearing-in of a new Premier of Manitoba until the Court has ruled on this matter."

Last week Glover raised concerns about ballots in the PC election, saying that many party members had not received a mail ballot.

"From the information given to me, there would appear to be substantial irregularities affecting the result, in the counting of votes," Hill says in the letter.

On Saturday, PC Caucus President Tom Wiebe detailed the voting processes, saying they were, “Very far away from inept or disorganized", and they visited rural locations and set up voting sites after learning some people did not receive their ballots. At the time he said there were 82 spoiled ballots and 17 that were disputed.

Glover said on Saturday, "The results are the results" that night, but Sunday was another day.

"I know many of you drove two or three times to many locations to get ballots," Glover said Saturday, addressing people who may disagree with the election results. "I so believe that members deserve a chance to not only have a choice, but also a voice. I would hope that our new premier and her team look at this race and find improvements in this party because this party must change."