The Pembina Hills Art Council (PHAC) hosted another of its art bar painting nights on Friday, Oct. 28.

An artist from St. Jean drove out to the Morden Art Gallery to demonstrate and guide the dozen or so painters who came to learn new techniques and have a good time.

"I'm not sure if I want to teach anything," said Andrea Vanryckeghem.

"I really would love everybody to just have fun, play with the medium, and chat with their friends, but really, just have a good time playing."

Vanryckeghem is an early childhood educator and leads similar painting events for birthday parties or home parties for kids or adults.

"I've loved art since I was a kid," Vanryckeghem said. "It was always something I did just intrinsically. I almost went into fine arts."

One of the amateur painters who attended the art bar, Reece Block, thought that doing something physical was important and something that's easily lost of the myriads of toiling office workers.

"Everyone has to sit by the computers," said Block. "But I think people should get off the box more and use their hands for what God gave them to use them for."

Block is an animator and game designer, but doesn't do a lot of art requiring physical motion to create, such as painting.

The PHAC organizes art bar events every few weeks, more information can be found on their website.
