The Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line is getting calls from concerned producers from across the province regarding excess moisture. Gerry Friesen works with the line, and says the first concern he is hearing about is related to finances.

Friesen adds stress, especially when it comes to finances and livelihoods, can take a tremendous toll on the lives of producers. He says as these producers face this stress, relationships start to suffer in the home, then the relationships they have with neighbours and the community. He adds soon this becomes an overwhelming situation and the stress can quickly turn into depression.

Friesen offers some advice for producers under stress.

Friesen adds they are still receiving calls from producers in other sectors of agriculture, and says cattle producers are still feeling the effects of the B.S.E. situation. He notes hog producers are just above the break even point, hoping they can hang on, depending on what fall and winter will bring for prices.


You can contact the Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line by visiting their website .


~ Monday, July 12th 2010 ~