201 riders participated in this year's head for the hills cycling event in support of the Eden Health Care Foundation.

Together, registered cyclists brought in over $126,000 in revenue.

Earl Reimer is Director of Development for the Foundation. He notes the most significant component from this year's event compared to any other year, is that they've had an anonymous donor step forward that is prepared to double everything they have collected from the event.

"So we have the potential of instead of doing 126, for round figures, ($126,000) we could be at $260,000. So this is absolutely exceptional."

Reimer notes funds that are donated goes to the work of the Eden organization. "Most specifically, in areas that are not funded by our agreement by Manitoba Healthcare or housing. The purpose of the organization is to bring hope, healing, and community on a mental health journey."

The 19th annual event took place this past Saturday and took cyclists on a 23-mile ride along the edge of the Pembina escarpment.

201 cyclists took part in this year's Head for the Hills event in support of the Eden Foundation.

Earl Reimer